Online Bookings

The Centre’s online system allows you to make changes to your current bookings at the centre.

You can:

  • Add or cancel a Permanent booking
  • Add or cancel a Casual booking
  • Advise your child will be away for a permanent session
  • Transfer a permanent booking inside the current week
  • Enter Vacation Care bookings
  • Enter Pupil Free Day bookings
  • Enter Alternating Bookings (where applicable)


The timeframes for submitting booking changes via the online system are as follows:

Action Permanent Booking Casual Booking
Adding a booking A permanent booking can be added until 9am Friday for the following week.If you do not book before 9am Friday, you will need to make a casual booking for the first week, and a permanent booking thereafter.A booking must exist for a minimum of 2 weeks for the booking to be considered permanent


Casual bookings can be made via the website until 12 noon the day before you require care.After this time, you will need to phone the Centre, and your booking will be subject to availability given staffing etc.
Cancelling a booking A permanent booking can be cancelled up to Friday 9am for the following week. If done before 9am Friday you will not be charged for the booking you are cancelling.If you no longer require your permanent booking for the current week, you must mark your child as “away” (please see below) for the current week and cancel from next week onwards. The system will not allow you to cancel a permanent booking in the current week.A permanent booking must be cancelled for a period of at least 2 weeks.


Casual bookings which have been made but which are no longer required must be cancelled by 12 noon the day prior to the booking, otherwise you will be charged for the booking.After this time, you will need to phone the Centre and advise your child will not be attending, however the casual booking will be charged.
Advising of an absence You can notify us that your child will be absent from a permanent booking via the website. This must be done by 12 noon the day prior to the booking, otherwise phone the Centre.If your child is absent from a permanent booking i.e. they are sick, have a play date etc., you will be charged for the booking, as we are staffing assuming your child will be there.


How to make changes to your before and after school care bookings

  • Log in to the Portal using your previously supplied username and password.
  • Once logged in go to “Parents”, “Bookings” and then “Add/Edit Bookings”.
  • Navigate to the week you are wanting to make bookings for. This can be done by selecting the calendar or by utilising the arrows to move one week forward/back.
  • Select the bubble on the day you are wishing to book.
  • You will have the option to book a permanent or a casual depending on bookings rules and availability. Select the option you wish to book in for.
  • You can navigate by utilising the arrows to move forward/back for individual days or select done to take you back to the booking calendar.

Please find the below video explaining the process:

Alternating Bookings

An alternating booking means that your child requires care each week, but the days may vary from week to week, due to work circumstances etc. This may also include families that require split care.

If you require an alternating permanent booking, please advise the Centre Director so they can enable access via the Booking Calendar, under the Parent Menu on the Portal.